Yesterday was a rostered day off from work which worked in wonderfully with being able to drive over to corowa to collect my new glasses. I finally got around to having another eye test the other week and just need some new ones for close up work - a smaller lens for when I'm sewing or crocheting. It's about a 35min drive from here and just over the Murray River into NSW. I took some photos on the way back of the old bridge we go over - it has lights as its only one way and with the bend you can't see if there is traffic over the other side........

So with new glasses in hand I decided to sit down and work on some more hexie love ..... and work out which fabrics from my stash will become the joining hexies .....
I've decided on using the calico, the purple check and a lovely pale green patterned piece .........
see it starting to take shape...... although it still needs a good press in these photos ....
I'm still debating if I'll make some half hexies to join to the centre piece or if I'll overlap the hexies on to the top of it ...... This blogging tablecloth is definitely a work in progress as I only have a rough idea in my mind how it will look once sitting there with cups of tea and cake on top of it ! And finally I can link this post to Anthea's EPP which is the main rush job for getting this post out this morning before work lol ......
Hi Sharm,yes i know that bridge,your hexies are looking great,well done,hope your day is a good one.
Great that you have a will be such a treasure when it's done.
Nice to see how it's coming together! xx
It's coming together beautifully! Nice to get new glasses, too. I just got some new lenses myself and now I can see clearly again! It does make such a difference. Love your pretty fabric choices. xx Karen
Looking good. Love doing hexies.
It's taking shape,looking lovely :)
Corowa was my mum's home town! I've only visited once but should go back and visit my cousins. Your hexie project is looking great Sharmayne.
Good to see it all coming together Sharm. xx
We have a bridge like that near here too. Good to see the Hexies being worked on...
It's starting to take shape Sharmayne, well done!
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