First off, we have our daughter Stacey living back with us & at present she is sick with pneumonia. Hoping the antibiotics begin working, or she may have to be admitted to hospital. She has a history of respiratory illness, but due to quite a bit of stress over the past few months, this lot has really hit her. Prayers for her would be appreciated.
Scruffy is helping to look after her and all the dogs are very happy to have her back home where she can play with them LOL
I've been a little slack on the flower scene of late with full time work taking up most of my time these past few weeks. Thankfully I gave in to trying something new for me that seems to work so well for Valentina - cutting fabric into little squares. Karen & I had a bit of a discussion a while back about how this would work - well I have to say it has cut down the cutting time when it comes to fabrics that I have "lots to cut from". Once I've cut the material into small squares I pop them into the basket until I'm ready to use one. I do find once I have my little hexie bit of paper pinned to the square, I do a quick snip around it before beginning. Having the little squares already cut & sitting in a basket ready to go, has been very helpful for the short amount of time I've had for working on them of late.

I have however been trying to also get some of my crochet hexies into flowers (given its winter here & working with wool is lovely), so I can work on my crochet flower garden as well. I remember vaguely somebody asking about these hexies???

So for those who were wanting to know about the crochet hexies - above is the diagram/pattern for making them. Begin with 6 chain & bring together with a slip stitch, then 3 chain to begin the trebles - 2 trebles, 1 chain, then 3 treble 1 chain 5 times as per the diagram. Slip stitch together & 1 hexie is made! I think american crochet have different stitch names which can make following patterns a little tricky if you are not aware of this. Anyhow, I'm sure you will work it out.
On another note, when walking around the garden the other day I noticed one of the gum trees showing off some beautiful flowers. There are lots of various types of gum trees all with different types of flowers - this type look like pin cushions
You know, when I first saw your daughter in your post, I thought it was my Heidi!!! Such a lovely young lady. Hope she feels better soon!I don't care how old they are, always scary when they aer not well. Lovely flowers!! (Oh, don't forget to sign in on the main page) I love your little pincushion in your basket. You have flowers blooming in your crochet garden also!?!? :) The gum trees aer so pretty. Do they dry w/these spikes on them? I was thinking that if they did , you could spray paint them adn use them for decorations somehow... Great to hear from you!
Prayers for your daughter.
Your flowers are pretty.
I wish your daughter well. Scruffy seems to be taking very good care of her. Good to hear the squares are working out!
Your hexies with the gingham are really cute. I too like to have a little pile of cut squares ready to snip and glue-baste; I keep running out of prepared hexies so find this very helpful!! Best wishes to your daughter, hope the healing love of the pets deters a trip to hospital!
Oh Sharm, I'll add Stacey to my prayer list. Pneumonia can really drain a person and the recovery is long. I'm so glad she is at home with her parents to take care of her.
Dear Sharm, sending you loads of love and prayers for a speedy recovery of your daughter. How scary... But it looks your could have no better nurse than Scruffy! That picture is worth a thousand words!
re: the pre-cut squares: I am so happy you are trying it out! at the end the time saved is worth the little bits of wasted fabric.
Your Flowers are looking so beautiful.
And the Crochet one make me wish it wasn't so horribly hot so I could try one out!
sending you my love,
Thankyou all so much for your prayers & well wishes. We have managed to keep her out of hospital & she seems to be on the mend - Thankyou Lord! Meantime the dogs have been having arguments over who is sleeping on the bed LOL Gotta love it!!!
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