We moved to the house here in Hervey Bay in December last year with the idea of moving into a

smaller house with a very small yard area (something I was somewhat nervous about at the start), but at the time we felt if we re did carports and put in an extra one for the other boat and Pete was at the time happy to sell off most of his tools and many of our collectables............. until the time came when we began looking at just what we really wanted to get rid of, and how sad we were that many of our antique items just didn't fit into this house like they have done in our last couple of houses! Were we ready to downsize to a point where we just sit around?? And then COVID 19 arrived on the scene and changed things for many of us......... but particularly for those who live on smaller blocks of land. My work was certainly not what I had signed up for (which happens for many of us),........... at any rate we have decided that home is our Maryborough house (luckily we rented it out and the tenants move out at the end of October). So the house here is on the market! We have done a number of things to the house here that needed doing - having the entire back section that was covered with that clear plastic covering was full of small holes and makes the verandahs very hot in summer - we had it re covered with colorbond roofing, re did the plumbing from the storm water runoffs, had to replace the chlorinator in the pool, pulled down the single brick carport and installed a double carport and then a single carport over the other side, put on solar...... no doubt other stuff I can't think of right now!  |
Pete with the tomato bush |
So here we are now! I'm in the midst of packing, running down the freezer and food cupboards and !doing little in the way of crafting! I did do a bit of knitting over winter - a top for myself and a scarf for a friend - if I can get the photos to upload I'll put it on (seems the internet at this place is not great and therefore too slow for things to upload quite frequently! Our tenants in our house in Maryborough move out towards the end of October, so a month from now we should be starting to move our stuff back in. I can't wait to get back "home" again! I know that the garden has been badly neglected and much has died but I will be just pleased to be back there. It's nice being here with the beach close, but its kinda like being on holiday - you know that feeling when you've had enough and are ready to head back home again? And the reality is that its only a half hour drive to come down when we feel the urge to walk along the beach (that is Pete never lol, and me when the tourists are not packing the place out and its not blowing a gale lol).

My weight has increased the past months and my fitness totally decreased - I need to work on getting both of those things sorted out to improve my health and well being! Anyhow, I will finish here and try to get a couple of photos up and also try not to leave it so long before I post here again.
Bye for now
Good luck with the packing up and your move back to Marybough....
Hmm! I think we've all put on weight and become unfit during this weird time...
Good to see an update Sharm.
I hope you can feel happy and settled 'back home', and the packing and move goes well.
Will look forward to blog updates :) xx
Thank goodness you let your old house, rather than selling up. I hope your move back goes smoothly :)
MY word Sharm - its all been a bit like a jack in the box for you - but hopefully this last move "back home" is the last for a long time.
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