Monday, October 14, 2024

Time in Melbourne

 Like most of you out there it's been rather busy around here ....... just day to day stuff I guess but I sure would love to get on top of it all at some point lol!  We had been planning to travel to Townsville for the Granddaughters 16th birthday but with them having to go to the Gold Coast for a wedding and deciding to spend time there having a holiday ect ect ect ....... it just had to be put to the side.  Instead I decided to head to Melbourne to celebrate the daughters birthday with her and we had the best time making some lovely memories!  

Since the train was all booked up, I chose to drive down which meant I could take down some of my homemade soaps for them and also a birthday gift for her friend who is like an adopted daughter to us since they have known each other since the start of high school.  I drove down Thursday for a late lunch with Stacey and Carly.  Carly has a little baby girl, Abbie and it was lovely getting to meet her in person - and of course I had some handmade knitting for her!

Abbie in the little knitted cardi

She is such a good baby

Friday we headed to do a bit of a quick shopping trip then into the city for a Persian Lamp Class which had been booked and was our gift to Stace for her birthday (her choice - although I'm not sure who had the most fun lol).  During the class we enjoyed some turkish delight and a hot apple tea which were both very yummy.

Saturday it was off to the Werribee Zoo which has some "open plains" for the animals to roam in........

The Giraffes decided to get up close to the open bus we were on 

Keep your hands in or they will bite we were warned lol

Meerkat babies 

Since they live not far from the Zoo we were back at her place in time to head to lunch with John and then to the pet shop which has some of it's birds out of the cages so they continue to interact with people ........ John had some fun with the Macaws lol

I headed back home Sunday morning as I needed to get some clearing out done of the bar area which is being removed  ............ I'll be posting about this shortly 

Until then .........

1 comment:

Lin said...

What a great trip - I am intrigued about the Persian lamp though? xx