Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Winter Holiday - Part 3 - Dubbo - Copeton Dam

 Before leaving for the next part of our holiday I had a surprise message from Christine telling me they
would be able to stop in for a cuppa as they were going past!  Hooray!! It was lovely to catch up again and while we were chatting definite plans for a girls trip to Scrub Stitching next year came up..... and just like that my sewing mojo returned lol  I have lots of sewing WIPs to complete between now and then.

I also checked in on Dad again before we took off and could see he had deteriorated a little more - he was also having one of his "down" days which are being managed a little better now that the Nursing Home are taking care of his medications.

We left for Dubbo on Monday the 5th of August for a 2 night stop over.  After the first part of the holiday, I soon realised how much of an effort a one night stop over in a cabin involves! The cabin at the Big 4 in Dubbo was very roomy - enough that our friends who live there came over that afternoon and again the next day for a lovely catch up and for Pete and Tony to finally meet up.  Chris is one of the girls from the 50+ group I started 11 years ago with 12WBT and she came to Melbourne earlier in the year for the meet up

Apparently I was back in the same clothes again from the last photo - comfy for packing and travel!

I took advantage of some nice weather and used the walking path in front of the cabins which took me into the main street of Dubbo (somewhere I've never actually been in all the years we have passed through this town!) and along the river, giving Lucy a nice long walk.

On Wednesday it was time to depart Dubbo and begin the trip to Copeton Dam - which involved turning off the Newell Hwy at Narrabri and heading down a rather ordinary road with some fantastic scenery as we wound our way around hills -
And across low flood crossings which were running due to all the recent rains.  We were lucky there wasn't more rain or we might have had to turn around with a couple of the crossings being a bit fuller - we knew our friends Debbie and Dave (and Bella) were somewhere up ahead with their caravan since we were planning to meet them at Bingera and travel together to the Dam

Bingerra was a surprisingly bigger town than I had imagined being "in the middle of nowhere" and had some lovely old buildings including the old theatre
And Bella and Lucy met up again - sooo happy to have "found" each other - not so happy when they had to get into their cars again not knowing that they would be spending the next 5 days together lol


Chookyblue...... said...

oh you missed seeing Georgina in Bingara..........nice cabin

Chookyblue...... said...

and how nice to have a surprise visit with Christine........and yippee your both coming to SS25...........who knew that could flip the