Sunday, April 16, 2023

FNWF - a Quick Post

 It’s been such a long time since I’ve linked in with FNWF ……. I lost momentum for that when I was having soooo much trouble with Blogger and unable to leave comments on other blogs!   I discovered that Google had decided to use an old email account (from when I used to sell my soaps) as the main identity so until I actually deleted that email (ensuring I had my sharmshere@yahoo account listed as a backup) ...... well, it seems things are working again!

Anyhow, I started Friday by trying to get my knitted top finished which thankfully I did - still to sew in the ends and it definately needs a block so once that's done (raining here and no fire going yet), I'll show you the finished photo.

Catching up with a few other blogs, I was enthused to get back working on my Daisy a Day blocks ..... I sewed the edges around the Sundaisy block - so one completed (I'm a little behind)

After doing a few gardening chores, laundry and cleaning ...... I really wanted to get started on another block.  These will come together to make a lovely little quilt that I plan to have hang over my rocking chair in my letter and reading corner. .........  I was ready for a cuppa by then and so the Mondaisy Block seemed the obvious choice with its kettle ........ by the time I'd traced and cut out bits and been distracted by several things going on ....... it was late afternoon and the cuppa was replaced with wine lol ...... I'm not usually a Red girl, but I was introduced to Merlot before Christmas and I actually quite like it and find I drink less of it than when I have a glass  or two of the white

What became very obvious during my time in the craft room is that I need to continue on with cleaning and clearing out this space!  As you can see, my little table in the centre of the room barely enabled room for cutting ..... and the sewing machine area is the same! Anyhow this is a short post - mostly for the link up with FNWF - follow the link to see what everyone else got up to.


Pink Rose said...

Hi Sharm well done on your beautiful blocks ,I like a good red too especially Merlot ,enjoy and hope you have a lovely Sunday 🌹🤍🌹

Lin said...

Good to have you along again Sharm and nice to get cracking on that project. Good luck with the tidying. xx

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Hi Sharm, your quilt blocks are really quite lovely and I can imagine how nice it will be to settle in for a bit of stitching or reading with your sweet quilt draped over your chair. I do like a good Merlot, too. Good tip on the old email messing with the commenting! x K said...

I love your blocks...they are precious! Is it applique and embroidery too? Whatever they are both lovely. Your sewing area can't be worse then mine! I have a craft room and I've taken over the dining room too! I need to clean up and clear!
Have a good week!

Cheryll said...

Lovely to have you join in FNwF and to see what you are working on too...xox

Michell said...

The craft room clean up....mine is an ongoing project. Once I think I have it sorted then I decide I want to do something else.