Since I've just signed up for a Pay It Forward over on Terry's Life, it's now my turn to host a Pay It Forward here. This should be lots of fun. Join in & begin to bless some other gals out there. For those of you who may not have heard of this before, here are the rules:
1. The first 3 people to visit my blog & leave a comment saying they want to participate will receive a homemade gift from me. You are allowed 1 year (according to the rules) in which to send out the gift, but I plan on making it much quicker than that LOL
2. You must have a blog of your own to participate in the PIF.
3. You must post about the PIF on your blog & you must offer the challenge of a PIF.
By accepting my PIF, YOU agree to host a PIF on your blog, you will agree to send a homemade gift (within 1 year) to the first 3 people who sign up on your blog to participate in your PIF......... & so it continues.
This is a wonderful way of being able to bless others.