Hugs, Sharm
Thanks for popping in to visit with me. Grab a cuppa while you look around .... Knitting, Sewing, Gardening, Crochet - Corowa, NSW, Australia My blog was est 5Feb, 2010. I hope you enjoy your visit.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Happy New Year Everyone
Hugs, Sharm
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Loving it
Look at this beautiful wall hanging I received in the mail from one of my snail mail pen pals! Thankyou so very much Lyn, I love it! Thanks also for the hippeastrum seeds - I'll be sreading them around on the weekend when I get into the garden. It's needing a bit of attention post all the rain we've been having.............. the weeds just love it!
I've almost finished the 3 little travel rugs for the grandies - I'm afraid I've cheated somewhat & used fabric panels since I left it all a bit late. Will take some photos before I wrap them up on Friday to post off to Townsville. Hope everyone else is getting there with their little bits & pieces for christmas.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Locusts or grasshoppers..... but who can find the grass?
Hmmmmm, I always did wonder what the biblical plague of locusts must have looked like........ well we've had a sample here since Saturday when they arrived. They are gradually reducing in number as they continue to move along & thankfully we have had a deluge of rain to help move them along before they eat everything.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Goodbye to Gramps
Yesterday we had to farewell our beloved dog Gramps who had shared our lives for the past 15 yrs.
I know he shared his love with quite a few of you as well & I thank you for the way you have all loved our animals - yes, for those asking - Mitzi (16) &; Scruffy (7) are still with us.
Gramps was father to Muffin whom we had to put down just 2mths ago, almost to the day.
Gramps is burried just near her in the "rose garden" & we've planted a rose above him named Grandpa's Rose (how appropriate).
A big thankyou to the staff at Yarrawonga Vetenary Clinic who were once again, very sympathetic & loving in their approach both to us (Stacey and I who were there) and to Gramps. The tangerine rose was a lovely thought.
PJ with Gramps before we left Boorhaman |
I know he shared his love with quite a few of you as well & I thank you for the way you have all loved our animals - yes, for those asking - Mitzi (16) &; Scruffy (7) are still with us.
Pete with the 4 of them back a couple yrs ago in Boorhaman |
Gramps was father to Muffin whom we had to put down just 2mths ago, almost to the day.
Sharm & Muffin earlier this year |
Scruffy misses them both |
We love you Gramps. |
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
On the River & around the garden
Pete finally got to pick up his new boat on Saturday. We got it in Wangaratta & so we made it into a day by stopping in on our way back through Boorhaman to call in on 3 lots of our friends which we haven't had much to do lateley. It made it into a really nice day out!
By the time we got to Pat & Judy's place it was after lunch & of course while Pete was out with Pat who was fixing up his sheep, Judy & I took advantage to head around the garden...... naturally!
I got some of the seed pods for these lovely flowers, so hopefully they will be growing in my garden next year - thanks Judy!
Judy also sent me home with a tub full of strawberries together with a nice easy jam receipe which I made up on Sunday arvo. The jam is just delicious! 500gm of strawberries made up 2 jars, but only took about 20 -30 mins all up to make. If anyone want s the receipe just let me know :)
By the time we got to Pat & Judy's place it was after lunch & of course while Pete was out with Pat who was fixing up his sheep, Judy & I took advantage to head around the garden...... naturally!
Judy also sent me home with a tub full of strawberries together with a nice easy jam receipe which I made up on Sunday arvo. The jam is just delicious! 500gm of strawberries made up 2 jars, but only took about 20 -30 mins all up to make. If anyone want s the receipe just let me know :)
Sunday Morning and it was time to test out the boat on the river, even Scruffy came for a ride and seemed to really love it!
Heading down the Murray River |
Pete absolutely loves driving the new fishing boat - built for a bit more comfort to accommodate for our "no longer 20yr old bones" LOL
Heading back to the boat ramp, just down the road from home! Cod opening opens on 1st December so lets hope its a great fishing season - we could use some nice fresh fish for dinner! |
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
On Our Little Homestead
I've had a great week off work during which I've managed to get quite a bit done around our little homestead here in NE Victoria. We missed out on being able to go to Townsville as previously planned due to Pete having to remain at work, but rather than dwell on what we were not able to do, I chose to get stuck into some things here. With all the rain & the weather warming up the garden is really beginning to take shape. It's amazing to see how its gone from nothing to where it is in just 6 short months. As you can see my 4 girls have been busy at work helping out in the garden & giving us a lovely supply of fresh eggs to boot!
So far we've picked 4kg of peas from the bushes in the vegie patch which is doing quite well. Praying the tomatoes do well so we can make up some relish in a couple months time.
So far we've picked 4kg of peas from the bushes in the vegie patch which is doing quite well. Praying the tomatoes do well so we can make up some relish in a couple months time.
I also managed to get some more soap made up during the week which will be ready to use by Christmas. Sorting out paperwork, files & boxes took care of another couple of days
Then I decided I really needed to work on sorting out the wardrobe & making it work. It's a type of "walk in robe" that has been designed in an "interesting" way. But after alot of trial & error, I think I've got it sorted. Of course it helped that Pete managed to pick up this wonderful little antique writing desk from a farmer who was wanting to throw it & quite a few other items away. Pete cleaned it up for me & we have been able to fit it into the bedroom against one of the walls as its quite narrow (the bedroom is smaller & therefore we can't fit in a dressing table or tall boy). I'm using it to look after all those bits & pieces like jeweller, stockings, little bits of this & that.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Over the past couple of weeks.....
There's been quite a bit going on around here over the past few weeks and probably about time I let you all in on some of it............
First off, it was Petes birthday in late September (26th) and he gets to share his birthday with Mitzi who turned 16 this year & enjoyed her bit of cake LOL
We burried her in the rose garden that we are gradually making & she will have a rose planted over her..... Mary's Rose (her nickname was Mary Muffin). Scruffy (sitting) & Gramps have been missing her as well :(
Just a week later on 7th Oct and we had Stacey turning 21!
With the official party being on the Saturday eve (10th).... As you can see it was a themed party.......... a masquerade black & white affair (with the party girl in pink of course so everyone could find her LOL)
With little time to recover from the party, I had to head to Melbourne (3 1/2hr drive) the next day & make the 3hr flight to Townsville to see to the final inspection of our house once the tenants from Hell had moved out ...... leaving us with some wonderful repair jobs & council complaints to deal with!!!! It's been a very long 5 months they were there & super expensive. Thankfully we have our son & his partner with their children moving in, so it will be looked after now at least. Although I was only there for just 1day (yep, had to fly back the very next evening), I did get to have my very first hold of our newest grandchild......little Jaxson, so cute & snuggly
A quick trip to the shops for lunch with Jaron, Renee, Jacey & Jaxson..........
Hugs with Little Jarryn once school was out for the day...................
And of course hugs with Grandma would not be complete without one from little Jacey!
After getting back from Townsville we had more rain around here........... with the ground already moist from the previous lot, much was left to sit on top of the ground this time
this time there was plenty to finish filling the tank to capicity............ and over.........
And I think that pretty much brings us up to date :) Good news is the water didn't hang around & this was as bad as it got.
First off, it was Petes birthday in late September (26th) and he gets to share his birthday with Mitzi who turned 16 this year & enjoyed her bit of cake LOL
Unfortunately just 3 days later we had to have little Muffin put down. She was one of Mitzi & Gramps pups from their only litter. She was 14 in May so had a very good life.... she was my little mate who followed me around & loved getting into small things...... like handbags LOL
Just a week later on 7th Oct and we had Stacey turning 21!
With the official party being on the Saturday eve (10th).... As you can see it was a themed party.......... a masquerade black & white affair (with the party girl in pink of course so everyone could find her LOL)
With little time to recover from the party, I had to head to Melbourne (3 1/2hr drive) the next day & make the 3hr flight to Townsville to see to the final inspection of our house once the tenants from Hell had moved out ...... leaving us with some wonderful repair jobs & council complaints to deal with!!!! It's been a very long 5 months they were there & super expensive. Thankfully we have our son & his partner with their children moving in, so it will be looked after now at least. Although I was only there for just 1day (yep, had to fly back the very next evening), I did get to have my very first hold of our newest grandchild......little Jaxson, so cute & snuggly
A quick trip to the shops for lunch with Jaron, Renee, Jacey & Jaxson..........
Hugs with Little Jarryn once school was out for the day...................
And of course hugs with Grandma would not be complete without one from little Jacey!
After getting back from Townsville we had more rain around here........... with the ground already moist from the previous lot, much was left to sit on top of the ground this time
this time there was plenty to finish filling the tank to capicity............ and over.........
And I think that pretty much brings us up to date :) Good news is the water didn't hang around & this was as bad as it got.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Not Fun Being Sick!
Apologies to all for my absence.......... I have been quite unwell to say the least over the past 8 - 10 weeks. I'm sure none of you really want a full account - the important thing is that I'm finally feeling like myself again, & acrually feel inclined to partake in human activity. Everything has been left by the wayside over the past weeks - crocheting, wednesday flowers, writing, emailing, blog activity - as its taken my full energy supply to keep going to work & doing the absolute basics around here. My apologies for those waiting patiently for there PIF & letters etc.............. they won't arrive overnight, but at least I have the inclination now to get back to all of those things. My love to you all............. and a special thankyou to those who have emailed me & those that have had me in their prayers.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Our Grandbaby has Arrived!
Our little grandbaby arrived this morning at 10mins to 5. Renee's waters broke yesterday afternoon around 4pm. A little boy - Jaxon Eric 8lb 4oz. both mum & bub are doing well. I could tell Jaron was in 7th heaven holding his little son :) No photos yet & as Jarons phone died, we will have to wait till later to be able to do a video call & get to see our little grandbaby. This is the hardest part when they live so very far away - our first hugs will be in November, so I'm hanging out for that video phone call LOL
Hugs to all,
Hugs to all,
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Arrivals at the Homestead
We've had a few arrivals here at the homestead over the past week - Last Friday Pete & I arrived home to find the driveway full ..................
No parking any cars behind the gates until we fathomed how we were going to be able to manage to turn the 5000 gallon water tank around so we could roll it onto the front lawn........... so much for the truck driver delivering it right onto our tank pad - around the OTHER side of the house!!

By Saturday afternoon, after much huffing & puffing we managed to finally get it close to the designated resting place - only now we had to work out how to stand it up................. and so, after going to plead the services of a fellow up the road who owned a tractor with fork lift attachments - Ta Da - one tank upright - hmmm we did think we may have lost the roof as it went upwards - but praise God, it JUST by millimetres fits in under the eaves!!!! Then we discovered no overflow pipe - so the fitting out is still waiting to take place. Hopefully this will all take place soon as we currently only have a VERY small tank for our drinking & cooking supply!
No parking any cars behind the gates until we fathomed how we were going to be able to manage to turn the 5000 gallon water tank around so we could roll it onto the front lawn........... so much for the truck driver delivering it right onto our tank pad - around the OTHER side of the house!!
Thankfully the other arrivals came in wonderful little parcels...............Some cotton wool for making more dishcloths arrived from Janet................
And the PIF from Terry.......Isn't it just wonderful!
So today I've been working on the PIF gifts that I need to be sending out before too long :) It's made it a very relaxing day of hand sewing mixed with a bit of reading & such - the first time in ages I feel we have actually had a real "rest day" . Pray everyone else has had a wonderful day as well.
Hugs Sharm
PS: A big thankyou from Stacey who is feeling improved & even drove into town today to catch up with some friends (medication carefully stashed in her bag to have at the appointed times LOL)
Thursday, July 15, 2010
One Flower Wednesday
First off, we have our daughter Stacey living back with us & at present she is sick with pneumonia. Hoping the antibiotics begin working, or she may have to be admitted to hospital. She has a history of respiratory illness, but due to quite a bit of stress over the past few months, this lot has really hit her. Prayers for her would be appreciated.
Scruffy is helping to look after her and all the dogs are very happy to have her back home where she can play with them LOL
I've been a little slack on the flower scene of late with full time work taking up most of my time these past few weeks. Thankfully I gave in to trying something new for me that seems to work so well for Valentina - cutting fabric into little squares. Karen & I had a bit of a discussion a while back about how this would work - well I have to say it has cut down the cutting time when it comes to fabrics that I have "lots to cut from". Once I've cut the material into small squares I pop them into the basket until I'm ready to use one. I do find once I have my little hexie bit of paper pinned to the square, I do a quick snip around it before beginning. Having the little squares already cut & sitting in a basket ready to go, has been very helpful for the short amount of time I've had for working on them of late.

So for those who were wanting to know about the crochet hexies - above is the diagram/pattern for making them. Begin with 6 chain & bring together with a slip stitch, then 3 chain to begin the trebles - 2 trebles, 1 chain, then 3 treble 1 chain 5 times as per the diagram. Slip stitch together & 1 hexie is made! I think american crochet have different stitch names which can make following patterns a little tricky if you are not aware of this. Anyhow, I'm sure you will work it out.
Scruffy is helping to look after her and all the dogs are very happy to have her back home where she can play with them LOL
I have however been trying to also get some of my crochet hexies into flowers (given its winter here & working with wool is lovely), so I can work on my crochet flower garden as well. I remember vaguely somebody asking about these hexies???

Monday, June 28, 2010
It's Winter Here
Here in Bundalong its winter, and although we don't get the snow they get a couple hours away on the mountains, we do get the foggy mornings & the odd frost. This morning its cold & foggy - this is looking out from the front verandah...................
but inside it's nice and warm
Not that the flash shows the lovely flames very well. Anyhow, I've been utilizing the wood ash to help in the vegie garden......................making pathways! It seems to work so well - easy to walk on, the grass doesn't seem to be growing through it as quickly as the soil itself, & I can always "move" the pathways later by simply digging the wood ash into the soil!
Yesterday was just a beautiful day, so we got busy in the yard - first of getting the sand set out ready for the water tank to be delivered sometime over the next couple of weeks - sure hope its soon, cause the dogs are loving the feel of sand between their paws LOL
The bulbs I planted when we first arrived are shooting - & some are even beginning to bloom.
And just finished getting the jam drops out of the oven - they should make a nice little snack while I write a few snail mails & perhaps begin getting some more crochet done on the lap blanket for Stacey.
Pray you are all having a great day wherever & whatever it may find you doing.
Hugs, Sharm
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