First off - here are the crayfish - a fresh water crayfish that can only be caught during the winter months in the rivers down south - particulary the Murray River & hence they are often referred to as Murray Crays.
These were caught by our eldest son in the Murray River just a short stroll from here. The pic to the left shows them still alive, with the tail tucked under. The claws are very able at taking off a finger................ so be wary!
For the early bird christmas project a journal was needed to do up lists etc. As you might all know how much I adore list making, I am rather consious these days of keeping my clutter to a minimum where I can. I've decided that with this move to Bundalong - our new home + the idea of needing to get that christmas journal made up............ a New Homemaking Journal would be the best idea. Homemaking journals/binders were all the rage a few years back and although I did have one back then, it has been packed into a box and may not get unpacked for quite some time - along with alot of other boxes of books that are waiting patiently! Since I need it to cover most things I do (I'd like to think it would cover everything but we shall see) -
A large Binder would be in order in which I could add pages or sections as required or remove a page of lists to take with me if needed rather than carting a whole book into town with me - you get the picture. So I've covered a large 2 ring Binder in some appropriate looking fabric I had here
& inside I have made various "Sections - complete with their own title page" which divide my Big Journal into several areas in an effort to keep all my lists, references, quotes etc etc in the ONE place.
Now while my current cover pages are fairly basic (except for my christmas one which I've decorated with fabric & glitter paints ) - it does manage to give that section its own little identity (& I can pretty them up as I go :) )
I spent a good part of Saturday morning getting quotes for a rain water tank (needed for our drinking water) - so now all of that info will go straight into my homemaking journal, and can easily be found by us rather than having to search for that "bit of paper".
what a fantastic idea for your homemaking journal, I love it, I love notebooks and have an addiction to cutting and pasting 'stuff' into my notebooks, but this is a very good way to keep them all together! Now, as for the crays...any chance of sending some my way here in Toowoomba?? YUM!
Oh my. I really could use one of these. I find bits of papers all over and it drives me batty! I MUST make one! Thank you..
I say to my husband all the time that in the movie "Little Women" (the new one) they have the desk where they run the house affairs as if it's a business and how I need to do this. IT IS A BUSINESS! Major $ goes through here! Major decisions,etc.
Very insiteful of you to come up with this.... XO
Devine dinner and what a great opportunity to see one of these lovely creatures! thank yoU! :)
The homemaking journals can be used just like an office as well, just by adding sections you need eg: Finance - keep bills in here that need to be paid & once paid they go out & into your receipt folder; a taxation section can be helpful if you pop in an "envelope" which can hold all those small receipts & keeps all the current tax stuff in the one place. This is the beauty of the ring binder - just add or remove as needed & its all together in just 1 place taking uup less space to boot! Have fun making one up!
Great idea Sharmayne...nothing will be missed with a great journal like that. Well done!
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