Saturday, January 6, 2024

January........ And Ta DA .........

We are Off and Running!!  Deana  picked out Number 6 on our Chookshed Stitchers Challenge ..... as
you know I have 3 lists running and I had firstly to locate the said stitchery ..... hence the declutting list  came into play (Number 6 having to do with the sewing room lol) ....... 3 days later I can move in the room, I've found the stitchery and organised all my yarns! 

 Yesterday ..... thanks to Cheryll who hosts Friday Night With Friends the first Friday of the month I worked on what I was going to do with this stitchery designed by Jennifer from Elephanz.  I decided not to do the rest of the blocks at this stage as I don't have room for a wall hanging ....... instead, it would make the perfect cushion cover for my reading chair :)  How wonderful to have a finish for the year already!!!  I'm super excited and love the way it has turned out!

Today I was able to show it off during our chookshed Stitchers Zoom meet up ....... but something else happened ...... during the cleaning up of the sewing/office room I came upon the lovely blogger mini quilt that I was gifted in a blog swap back in 2012!  Anorina happened to be on the zoom and it was Anorina who had organised the swap back then!  I was able to show it to her and we all had a bit of time going down memory lane as she found the blog posts from way back then!!  Shannon of had made this for me (thank goodness she had it written on the back) .... As you can see there were only a few of us online at that time of the morning lol - Thanks Janice for taking the screen shot for me!  Check out some of the others from this Name Game Swap

As we chatted I shared I had also located a quilting pattern for birds that I hoped to make.  I had decided last year I'd love to make this block up into a quilt using my stash lots of colours ...... Enter 

Now don't go rolling your eyes ....... just because I'm taking on 101 challenges for the year (currently having a few days off before back to work and reality hits me on Monday and I'm suddenly overwhelmed again ....... can't imagine why lol).   Anyhow ...... anyone who knows me really well, knows that triangles have never come into play unless I've really had to do them (Down the Rabbit Hole - kill me now houses!!!) ........ I had no idea about half square triangles so I mentioned this to the talented bunch of quilters online ....... and they very kindly pushed me out and over my comfort zone getting me to actually start making one of the blocks whilst on zoom so I could have help as needed ......luckily, cause my head was tested with another little bit as well ......however - definately a TA DA MOMENT!!!!!

The colour for this challenge for January is Green ..... so I've made a start on that today as well!!

For number 6 on my yarn list under the chookshed challenge I have "any item" which is super lucky as I have  a blanket to finish this month and I also need to begin working on something yellow .....

Hmmmm ...... well, you see, I'm a moderator in one of the Ravelry groups and we have a colour stash busting challenge going on there for which January is YELLOW ....... I've not got a whole lot of yellow so your going to have to wait to see more about that one!  For now, I'm just happy that 6 days in, I have a finish, I've learnt a new skill, caught up from something fun from the past, have a sewing room that is soooooo much better than a week ago when I could barely get into it and I've had a fun and productive 6 days ........ even blogging again!!!!!   Now if somebody will just get a pin to pop my head so I can exit the doorway ..........




dq said...

I really enjoyed visiting with you on zoom tonight and seeing your finished embroidery pillow. You are on a roll and a great example to us all. You'll have all three of your "list" goals before we are even halfway through the month.
You are inspiring me to maybe clean my sewing room. Things are beginning to pile up.
Love the bird pattern you showed on zoom. It will be perfect for RSC!

Susan said...

MY word - you are going to be busy - but lists and challenges will keep you going.
Its always fun to go down memory lane and groups are very helpful when it comesto helpful advice.

Janice said...

You have made the very best use of your time before returning to work. You did a fantastic job on your little bird. It will be such a fun quilt for RSC. Once you have made a few blocks they will be a rather quick thing to work on. I can’t believe how much you achieved in one week. Now the pressure is off for the rest of the month, so you can complete the rest of your goals at a more leisurely pace.

Susie H said...

What a fabulous start to 2024 for you! I wish for your 2024 to continue in this manner all the way through! Love the bird!!!!

Christine M said...

Well done on finishing project #6 Sharm. It was lovely catching up on zoom. xx