I've had a great week off work during which I've managed to get quite a bit done around our little homestead here in NE Victoria. We missed out on being able to go to Townsville as previously planned due to Pete having to remain at work, but rather than dwell on what we were not able to do, I chose to get stuck into some things here. With all the rain & the weather warming up the garden is really beginning to take shape. It's amazing to see how its gone from nothing to where it is in just 6 short months. As you can see my 4 girls have been busy at work helping out in the garden & giving us a lovely supply of fresh eggs to boot!
So far we've picked 4kg of peas from the bushes in the vegie patch which is doing quite well. Praying the tomatoes do well so we can make up some relish in a couple months time.
I also managed to get some more soap made up during the week which will be ready to use by Christmas. Sorting out paperwork, files & boxes took care of another couple of days
Then I decided I really needed to work on sorting out the wardrobe & making it work. It's a type of "walk in robe" that has been designed in an "interesting" way. But after alot of trial & error, I think I've got it sorted. Of course it helped that Pete managed to pick up this wonderful little antique writing desk from a farmer who was wanting to throw it & quite a few other items away. Pete cleaned it up for me & we have been able to fit it into the bedroom against one of the walls as its quite narrow (the bedroom is smaller & therefore we can't fit in a dressing table or tall boy). I'm using it to look after all those bits & pieces like jeweller, stockings, little bits of this & that.
The little desk before we moved it into the bedroom
Thursday saw the large 70 odd foot gum tree come down which was between our house & the neighbours & looked rather dangerous each time we've been getting the strong winds & storms. Of course lots of other bits & pieces went on during the week & I managed to catch up on some penpal letters & finally send out those PIF gifts .
Tomorrow its back to work, but at least I'm caught up on a lot of things & have managed to get other stuff sorted out, which is a great feeling! Hugs to all who have been asking after me.
Sharm |