Sunday, March 2, 2025

February Round Up and Celebrational Milestones


I was on a bit of a "downer" at the beginning of February and have just realised I actually celebrated my Blogs 15th Anniversary on the 5th February!  For some unknown reason, I tend to remember in January and again at the end of Feb!  The other Milestone for February was Pete and I celebrated our 40th Wedding Anniversary on the 23rd.  With all the fires and floods that were on we didn't end up booking to go away anywhere - so instead we are heading to Townsville next week for a few days to catch up with our Son Jaron, DIL Renee and our 3 wonderful grandchildren up there!  I'm so excited to be going up to see them.

Meantime, Pete has finished the Carport off and moved all the trailers and boat around so that everything is now undercover with plenty of room and some wonderful shade during summer and cover from the frost during winter........

On the day of our Anniversary neither of us felt inclined to go out as the weather was not the greatest so Pete spent time sorting out the carport to make everything fit nicely (whilst I did the sweeping bit lol) ..... and then I spent the time sitting and stitching Tilley the Rabbit!  I fell in love with the Luna pattern when I saw Christine's Rosie Rabbit and when we stopped in the felt shop that day I made sure to get some supplies to make one.  She has yet to have her dress made - but here she is picking out which Tilda Fabric she prefers ......

As usual, when I want Buttons I check out my button tin first.  It began with my Grandmothers collection when she passed away and I've added to it over the years

 - any clothes destined for the bin always have their buttons and zippers removed before going out and then get used for various other items ect ....... but this time while I was looking I happened to come across this one that I'd forgotten was in the tin .....

We managed to get a lovely crop of Apples from our 2.5yr old tree - our first real crop (I think last year we got 1 apple) ....... So I  made Apple Pie and Apple and Walnut Turnover and then have some cooked up in the freezer with just another dozen or so to pick from the tree sometime this week

More progress was made on the knitted jacket which I was working on as part of the Scrub Stitchin Group Challenge for February.  It's a different construction than what I've ever done previously

More progress is being made on the decorative window covering in the sewing room ...... (block pattern is by Bautawitch)

And I decided to have a go at one of the patterns I purchased whilst in Melbourne in January and make some of these little cuties.....

And that pretty much rounds up February .......... 

Hugs Sharm


loulee said...

It's exciting when the garden begins to pay back all the love and effort. Cute bunnies, you had a great month.

Janice said...

Wow! 15 years. Well done. You worked on lots of different projects during the month. All lovely. The carport will be a game changer, especially on frosty mornings. Enjoy your trip up north.

Kylie said...

You've had such a busy month. Congrats on both Anniversaries. The carport looks fantastic. It's going to be such a game changer. I love your cardigan. The fit looks perfect.

Lin said...

A busy month. Congratulations on your Blogaversay and Wedding Anniversay. That looks like a gorgeous fabric choice for a little rabbit dress. Interesting cardigan - looking good and your crochet is also looking gorgeous. Enjoy March. xx