Jacey however, was pretty happy to see us all back &
was quick to get Pop reading books with her LOL
After 200mls of rain overnight we took off about 5am Tuesday morning......... this time taking the coast road which we had been told was currently open. Although water lapped the road sides at various places, we were able to get through & headed down as far as Rockhampton before heading inland & staying the night at Banana! Wednesday saw another long day as in the early afternoon the commodore which Pete was driving decided to call it quits! Thankfully Pete was able to coast it into a roadhouse (truckie stop/ fuel station), which meant we were safe & not on the side of the road
watching out for Road Trains passing by. We also had the advantage of toilets, drinks, food & shade (as the rain had now passed the sun was shining down).
The dogs enjoyed being able to get out of the car, but after sitting on the side for a few hours waiting for the tow truck, they too were happy when we finally got going again. 
The commodore & boat were towed back to Moree where they awaited a car carrier to bring them the rest of the way & we transfered all its contents into the 4WD . We spent that night in Narabri & enjoyed a lovely dinner at the RSL there which was decked out with old world items & put on a "lightning " show inside while we ate! Thursday evening we made it to Boorhaman & stayed the night in Wangaratta with friends before picking up the keys to our new home on Friday morning. Sunday morning at 7am the furniture truck arrived with all our stuff + Stacey & Johns gear which will be stored here for the next few weeks till they sort out their accommodation. The house feels like "home" already although I'm still working on numerous boxes of unpacking & finding places for everything to go. So now the excitement really begins as we begin to work on various things around our little country homestead!