Tuesday, December 31, 2024

December Round Up

Knitting and Crochet Finishes for 2024

Well, it's certainly been a year, but then for me (and Hubby), it's actually been a heck of a decade!! Rather than rehash all the stuff from the past 10 years, I'd rather just share what I've been doing these past couple of weeks as I begin to look for a new rhythm for the next year - the next decade!  There will always be troughs and valleys in the road,  wastelands to trudge and rivers to swim through which make the mountain tops all that much sweeter when you can stand there for a short time and enjoy the view.  For this next decade I'm hopeful to find Bridges to cross the valleys, boats to cross the rivers and a train for getting across the wastelands with some extremely long term accommodation on the mountain tops................   Yeah, dreaming again lol

Above are my Knitting/Crochet finishes for 2024 ..... unfortunately I seem to have more WIPs for Sewing than I do fiished with just this double sided  baby blanket completed - although I'm pretty sure I finished one for Mila as well ?? This one went to Abbie to snuggle under

I've been enjoying reading another book by Dilly Court . Christine introduced me to these books

when we were on sewing retreat last year at Scrub Stitchin and during the year I've been lucky enough to pick up  titles from various Opp Shops and Second Hand Bookstores in the local area! 

We will be doing another road trip this year to attend Scrub Stitchin up at Baradine and are currently planning a catch up sometime in January to work on details lol We had such fun last year, we want to make the most of it again this next year.  In the meantime, I've pulled out the stitchery we received whilst there and I'm working on getting all the embroidery done before we head back - who knows, it might even get put together but we shall see!

  I was working on it during a recent Zoom meeting with some of the others from the Chook Shed,

and then I worked on it a bit more the following morning with a zoom that was being hosted by one of the Ravelry Groups....... And AGAIN this morning  when a number of girls from OS were on ...... During which I might add was mentioned the Chook Shed Challenge for 2025! So I need to get a list made up - last year I had 3 lists - I'm not sure yet what this years list or lists will look like lol

But here is my progress on my stitchery..............

I briefly mentioned the Harry Potter Cup Group in my last post and I'm excited to be part of it as I feel it's going to help get a few more projects sorted out this year.  I know it sure helped me get inspired again to get back to some sewing as well as knitting over November and December.  They have a number of challenges going on at any one time which you can choose to take part in or not .... but if you are "sorted by Sir Hat ...... into one of the groups ...... then the challenges provide points to the houses and each term, points are added up to see which house wins the House Cup! It's virtual points ect, but the story lines that go into it all are simply amazing, as are the number of moderators who assist! The houses are all made up of craft loving people from around the world so the Houses are not like the characteristics in the books so to speak.    I'm extremely happy to have been sorted into a house and made it into Slytherin where I have managed to fit right in with my wacky sense of humour..........  

Lucy and I continue to do our daily walks - I can't really get out of them since she is looking for them each morning - although some morning walks are longer than others depending on the weather and what I want to get done that morning! 

There was also chatter on the Chook Shed Zoom of challenging ourselves to at least a 10 min walk each day ...... while that's not a problem for me with Lucy and her built in watch ....... I might attempt to "step things up" this year and go back to aiming for 10,000 steps/ day ....... I'll try to keep track on that!  I also saw somewhere a "photo a day" which I'm thinking about ....... I have till tomorrow to decide lol

 How can you resist this face ....... lol

I'm currently making a list of all my WIP's and UFO's that are sitting in various stages of completion - they need to be sorted so I can see what I actually want to work on and ditch any that I am totally over!  Apart from that, I also have projects that I would very much like to make this year, and then there are items that will be made simply because they need to replace things or they are required for gifting and such.  Already I know I have way more on my list than is realistic, and that's before any "bright new shiny" items catch my attention!!!  So off I go to work on my 2025 ChookShed Challenge List  ....... Stay Tuned!



Tracy said...

Wishing you all the best for the coming year.

Janice said...

You have a nice collection of finishes for the year. Good luck with all your planning for 2025

Lin said...

A photo a day is a great idea. I plan to add a photo a day of my Stitch Journal to Instagram - two tasks in one! Have a good year. xx

dq said...

Sharm, your writing style reflects your happy personality. I enjoy reading it!
I struggled with my Chookshed list this year and was thinking about adding a place for "bright new shiny" items. In the end, I went for UFOs knowing I will do the "bright new shiny" things anyway.

Chookyblue...... said...

onto the new decade!!!!! for us anyway............
lovely to have you on zoom with my frequent summer catch ups.........and your project is looking great.......its exciting I need to get some planning done for SS.......blink and it will be here.........

Christine M said...

You had some lovely finishes Sharmayne. Your SS project is coming along nicely. I have finally started mine!