It's time to get ready for planning for Creativity for 2025!! This time every year I get sooooo inspired, but for the past few years by the time it's gotten to May I'm trudging through the ditches ...SO This year it's time to get things back on track, how they used to be about a decade ago! Lets Begin with joining in with Deana from Dreamworthy Quilts who will be once again running the ChookShed Challenge :)
Last year I had 3 lists - this year I'm doing 2 lists (I think) - one for Sewing related and one for Yarn related. The decluttering list from last year is on a separate page and still being worked on, so it can just continue as is!
I'll also add my list to my sidebar to make it easier to find during the year .......
1. Trifles Quilt
2. Fusion Quilt (sewing and crochet involved)
3. Blocks for Hen House Quilt/ or blocks for the Kiwi Birds Quilt
4. Dog Cushion for the Ute so Lucy can see out (this may have to be moved to the first on the list)
5. I Spy Quilt / Embroidery Item
6. Staceys long awaited Bridal Shower Wall Quilt
7. Xmas Stitchery
8. Giraffe or other stuffed toy/animal
9. An item for the gift bag
10. Choose one of the above or a bright shiny newbie or another UFO hiding away
1. Crochet Top WIP (for which the name currently alludes me and I'm too lazy to go find it)
2. Kore (This will hopefully become the OWL for advanced studies in term1 of HPKCHC)
3. Sandswirl Mitts / straightforward mitts
4. Artus - WIP barely started and with lots of graphs to try to follow
5. Goldenfern Sweater - WIP with its yarn currently hiding from me somewhere!!!
6. Some sort of Dragon inspired crochet blanket for LJ (eldest grandson) for his 21st birthday - possibly inspired by Threefold crochet blanket by the Crochet Swirl)
7. Elio the Dragon / or Emotional Support Chicken/ Tina Turtle Pincushion (see Ravelry for patterns)
8. Crochet Curtain for Sewing Room Window
9. Socks - (I'd like to get at least 3 pairs knitted over the year)
10. Dishcloths or working on any of the above.
NB: Many of the knitted/Crochet items on the list will need to be worked on throughout the year so may feature alongside whatever number is going for the month.
As for other Challenges:
I need both to loose weight and to try for 10,000 steps / day ...... and a photo each day might be fun - this will likely be another page added to this blog
Then there will be the Ravelry Group HPKCHC (Harry Potter Knit & Crochet House Cup) - this will involve a 2-3 month challenge (OWL ) for which I'm hoping my proposal for KORE will be accepted. I have the yarn and have swatched and need to wait until the "GO" date
![]() |
This is the pattern |
There will also be other challenges during the first 3 months yet to be advised but based around crafting so hopefully most of my listed items will get a chance to feature here as well!
And that should do me for challenges for 2025!!! Real Life may interrupt at times, but I'm hopeful to work a way around that moving forward!!
Big Thankyou to Deana for hosting the Chookshed Challenge once again!