Anyhow ...... this is the scarf I crocheted using some of the purchases : Shamdana Shawl which was based on the pattern but I made quite a few changes to it to get the shape I wanted and some of the texture in the rows. If you want to check it out further you can visit my Ravelry project page to get more info:
And finally managed to find enough sun to be able to get it outside blocking for a short time before I brought it back in near the fire to finish off.
It's based on the pattern called Avenue by Laura Aylor although I decided not to do the sections of stocking stitch and instead making my own stripes using the two yarns
I think I may have found the pattern ........ at least I hope so ........................... and yes, I've made a start .............. but you will have to wait to see how it turns out .................
I did have more to share with you but since I'm having such a frustrating time with blogger and photos sitting in the right places for this post, I think I'll finish here and get back to you with other news .......
While at Bendi I borrowed a beanie having left all mine behind and for the first time ever I felt like I'd
discovered a beanie pattern that I felt suited me! So I was keen to purchase yarn at the show to make the same pattern up and I'm really pleased with the result. It's super soft and warm with the edition of the fine mohair mixed with the other yarn. Winding it into the ball it just looked so fluffy I felt I had to share with you...
discovered a beanie pattern that I felt suited me! So I was keen to purchase yarn at the show to make the same pattern up and I'm really pleased with the result. It's super soft and warm with the edition of the fine mohair mixed with the other yarn. Winding it into the ball it just looked so fluffy I felt I had to share with you...
Isn't it just sooooo pretty and flluffy lol
In between all this knitting and crochet there has of course been other things happening ..... like trying to get the craft/study room a little under control! The problem being that I have about 3 boxes of "stuff" dumped in there from the move together with a pile of paperwork needing sorting, filing or dumping!! At any rate I made a start on the desk area and this meant having to make a start on this book shelf with the folders (which are there ........ but will eventually need their own sorting out) ......... but for now, at least I have one corner of the room somewhat sorted .......... hopefully I'll be able to make it to the sewing machine before long
This one of the other yarns from Bendigo ....... It was actually my very first purchase of the day ......
It sung to me lol and I felt like it needed to be used on its own to show how pretty it is ........ perhaps a shawl of some kind that just uses the one skein of yarn .............

In the meantime I was given some lemons and eggs ........... of course in my mind that equals homemade lemon butter (or lemon curd as it's also known) ......... so yummy!! and it looks just as good while cooking in the pot!
I did have more to share with you but since I'm having such a frustrating time with blogger and photos sitting in the right places for this post, I think I'll finish here and get back to you with other news .......
Hugs Sharm