Thanks for popping in to visit with me. Grab a cuppa while you look around .... Knitting, Sewing, Gardening, Crochet - Corowa, NSW, Australia
My blog was est 5Feb, 2010. I hope you enjoy your visit.
As October comes to an end its a little scary to think just how close we are getting to Christmas again! Where once upon a time I would be well and truly on track for gift giving, I'm afraid I'm way behind! In fact many birthdays this year have been "lacking" (something to work on for next year I guess). I have made a bit of progress on the "Down the Rabbit Hole" with the 2 side Bunny borders now finished and attached and one bird border well under way. As you can see, I'm going to have to do something with the corners yet. All this handstitched needleturn has taken it's toll and I'm feeling more like this the quilt that just never ends!!!
I'm also working on a knitted cowl that I hope will work out for the daughters partner.
And since I have sooo many items currently on needles, I found myself almost out of stitch holders so I got online and ordered these little beauties ....... aren't they just so cute! And they even came with the tea! Lovely service and nicely packaged!
Meantime, Pete finished the roof on the deck and made one of the poles into double use by attaching one of the old wheels and filling it with boards to make a small "bar" table outside. It's been a lovely spot to sit of an afternoon and enjoy a cold drink or a cuppa while we catch up on our day. We've been getting lots of lovely weather, Which makes calling into a beachside cafe all the more appealing lol ......
although the humidity is beginning to show itself since we are getting quite a few afternoon/evening storms. While they cool things down, the vegie garden has become like a jungle! The tomato bushes
are the tallest we've had and Pete is busy picking them before the fruit fly gets to them. Corn cobs are forming and it won't be long before we are picking cucumbers. The Butter beans are still producing. When I planted out the vegie garden it was with the expectation that I would have more days at home than what I do right now, so while I should be getting produce preserved, it just hasn't happened yet - but really needs to before we loose it all! Meantime we seem to be getting more birds visiting the yard and while it was sad to farewell our families of kookaburras and magpies back down in Bundalong, it seems we have this little kookaburra who is becoming a frequent visitor. Well that's me for now as I need to get ready to head to work and it looks like it could rain so I might be taking the car today! Have a great day! Hugs Sharm
We've had storm and even Tornado warnings coming through over the past couple of days - I was blessed that these came through on Thursday arvo and hubbie gave me a phone call at work just as I was about to finish for the day. Luckily he came to pick me up as it just began spitting rain. While storm and Tornado warnings came through on our phones, we had time to "batten down the hatches" so to speak (including putting the new car under the house for protection from hail).
While many areas really got a lashing, we were lucky here - we got hail (no damage), wind and lots of rain - lots of rain ....... This large bowl I'd painted up a few weeks back has been sitting waiting for me to put water in - the plan is to get a solar pump, another plant and a couple of goldfish - but the rain has now filled it! ........ its the first real downpour we've had since moving here so we were able to see if the work we did on the drains worked ...... a massive improvement! Just a small amount still coming through in one section under the house (which Pete has now attended to). Being on a slight hill enables most of the water to drain away pretty quickly (something we considered quite carefully when we were looking to purchase up here). Scruffy has not been impressed with so much rain and took to sulking under his blanket last night! lol, it was soo cute I couldn't help but snap a photo!
So with the weather continuing to be wet and rainy ....... its the perfect time for handicrafts! I
spent a good amount of yesterday working on "Down the Rabbit Hole". These large borders are all handstitched using needleturn - they appear to be taking a very long ..... long time!!!!! There are 4 large borders - thankfully the first one is almost complete with the other 3 in various stages! And now I've suddenly come to the realization that as of today there are just 10 Weeks and 2 days left till Christmas!!! Now while that may still make for a number of "shopping days" ..... let me tell you it is not much when it comes to handmade gifts!! With all that's been going on this year I have to say that Christmas Planning has been very much on the back burner!! I have a couple of ideas up my sleeve - guess we shall see! I've made a start on this cowl which I'm hoping will be in somebody's Santa Sack.
I seem to have a few things that are sitting on needles at present - they will likely continue sitting now while I tend to Christmas gift giving lists. Somehow I have this feeling these next 10 weeks are going to fly!! I wonder how all of you are going with your christmas gift planning? I used to be well organised but the last couple of years with all the changes and living day to day put much of that type of planning aside ....... I'm def hoping to get planning ahead back into daily practice come next year - but for now I'd best make the most of the next 10 weeks!! Have a fruitful weekend my friends! Hugs, Sharm xo