Somehow I've found myself with several WIP sitting on needles ...... as you can see ...... I admit to having actually forgotten about a couple of these as they got put to the side (or under other things) when the cabin was cluttered up with everything from inside the spare bedroom that needed moving out temporarily a few months ago ..... cleaning up the cabin has revealed an awful lot of sewing WIP items as well!! From this photo of knitted WIP is a pair of fingerless gloves (Grey Islands , by Laura Aylor) ; the lovely Qiviut Yarn that was won in a competition and will turn into "Tundra Fern Scarf" ; A shawl I started for Mum with some hand dyed 4ply Blue faced Leicester-Bunny Yarn; a Woolly Wormhead designed beanie (Staggered) which will be a birthday gift for eldest son; and of course one you are all familiar with ..... Stonehaven (by Laura Aylor) which is the marathon sweater I'm knitting in navy blue yarn for hubbie! At least I'm onto the first sleeve now and have begun the decreases on it as it needs to get finished for Autumn this year!
Its been so hot here the past week, but as I'm sitting here this morning writing this the rain has just begun ..... good steady rain - which is nice (although a tad inconvenient since, after 5 yrs putting it off, I have the pest man coming today to spray! Kinda typical now isn't it lol)
I have managed to finish off another beanie. Remember my first ever knitted beanie was the one made for DD's partner for Christmas? Well it was a Woolly Wormhead pattern and I ended up visiting her group on Ravelry ...... they were just getting started on a "wonderful idea" ....... 12 Woolly Wormhead hats in 12 months ......hmmmmm ......I did find her pattern quite good to follow and I was blown away by the variety of beanies and styles of caps she has ......yep, you guessed it, I'm taking part, especially since I could see that these make a great gift. So one has been completed "Beamish" for eldest sons girlfriends youngest. And I have also managed to finish off the Mystery Knit Along from Laura Aylor that was a free pattern just prior to Christmas as a thankyou to all .... I'll have to wait till winter to see if I end up wearing this very much as I'm not usually a big fan of cowls - but this one is a little different, so we shall see - excuse the horrid selfie! Well it took the whole day to get back to here, so I best get this posted!