Sunday, January 25, 2015

Grow Your Blog 2015

If you cast your eyes over to the sidebar you will see a lovely little picture with a link that will take you over to Vicki from 2 Bags Full who is hosting this wonderful blog hop. I took part in it last year and it had lots and lots of various types of blogs to be able to go and have a look at.  The links should be up fairly soon, just keep in mind many of us are on different time zones so if you don't see it the first time, call back a bit later.

So for those who might be visiting here for the first time, this post is a bit about me .... So grab yourself a cuppa, find a nice comfy spot and come visit with me for a bit......  The front verandah is a favourite spot of mine ....  

This is Scruffy, my helper and family caretaker lol.    You'll probably see him around from time to time as he usually isn't too far from me when I'm at home!   He often sneeks into the photos ... like the one beside here.... see him near the door!

Firstly, I live in Australia, down in the north east section of Victoria these days - in a small country township (well, we have a pub, a café and a shop - and the Murray River which makes it popular for campers over summer).  We/ I have moved an awful lot over the years, actually since I first arrived as a baby - perhaps I have gypsy blood, since I don't seem to mind moving, I actually find it exciting, like a new adventure about to unfold........  We have a small house on about a 1/3 acre with shedding and gardens, fruit trees and chooks .....

I tend to blog about things going on around our little home ,my crafts, and such since I have lots of friends and family who tend to visit here to keep track of what's going on lol   Initially it started when we were moving from Townsville back to Victoria - we've been here almost 5 yrs and I can feel my feet getting that itch in them again ..........  We are hoping that DH might be able to retire in the next couple of years, so we will have to have decided on our "forever" place once that happens!  Our children are spread with son, DIL and grandies in Townsville; youngest and only daughter in Melbourne with her boyfriend/partner, and currently the eldest son back at home with us.  I also work in one of the towns (about 40 mins or so drive) 7 days a fortnight.  

Around here I tend to various activities in my spare time - gardening,  sewing,  knitting,  crochet, soap making,  preserving , reading  and walking. 

Since joining Ravelry 1 yr ago, I picked up the knitting needles again and have been busy with them ever since learning lots of new skills.  I'm hoping to be able to give our winter wardrobe some nice additions that will be wearable, comfy and last until we've had enough of them!  

Last year my wonderful DH turned the carport into a "little cabin" for me to use for my craft. I'd show you inside it, but it's a bit messy right now ...... in fact I have to admit my whole house needs a good declutter!!  If I could just have a week off from work that could be devoted to decluttering and sorting out my house, that could be very, very useful ....... hmmm, I've just had another look - perhaps a month, since decluttering involves cleaning out cupboards and shelves, not just the piles and overflowing items...........   I need more coffee!!!
And so, on that note, I think I'll finish off here ............ maybe go and sort out a few things so I can show you around next time..........
Have a great day, and hope to see you here again sometime



creations.1 said...

Hi Sharm - I have been a follower for a little while and enjoy all of your posts. It was lovely to learn a little more about you this morning! KerrieB -

Helen said...

Thanks Sharm I enjoyed reading a little more about you and your family. Have a wonderful week :)

Anthea said...

Hi Sharmayne - lovely to learn some more about you... glad you like the Swap goodies!

Christine M said...

Hi Sharm. It was lovely reading a little more about you. Your little cabin looks very inviting (even if it is messy! LOL!).

kathyinozarks said...

Hi I enjoyed meeting you (from the Party) That is awesome that your DH made a studio for you. I do allot of fiber crafts and other things too-We are retired and live very rural now-in the woods.
enjoy the party

Cache-Mire said...

So very nice to meet you! I have several blog friends from Australia and totally enjoy reading adventures from down under. I'll be following :-)
~ Terri

Debbie said...

So nice to meet you Sharm. You have a beautiful blog. I look forward to following your blog.

Asia King (aka Joanna K) said...

Hello Sharm!

Thank you for taking part in this year's Grow Your Blog event! I enjoyed reading about you and your blog :). I would like to wish you every success in your blogging adventure.

You are very lucky to have a little craft hide-away space.As for tidying up... I have promised myself to sort out my craft room on my days off numerous times but so far no progress! Lol. Have a fabulous weekend and a happy GYB! Hugs, Asia

If you'd like to visit me back and find out more about my blog Under a Creative Spell, that would be fab!

Julie's Lifestyle said...

Hi Sharm, I'm visiting you from the Grow Your Blog event. It is so nice to meet you and learn a little about what your blog is about. I love Australia and I've visited 3 times and wish it wasn't so far away since it's so beautiful. I am a new follower and I do hope you come and visit and join my giveaway too.
Julie at Julie's Lifestyle

Sheryl said...

Hi Sharmayne, Always nice to see what you are up to especially with your lovely knitting. Wish I had a cabin all to myself for my needlework - it seems to be stashed all over the house in cupboards, boxes and wardrobes etc.

Shannon Meyer said...

How fun to have a little cabin all to yourself:) Lovely blog:) I'm visiting from

africanaussie said...

Hi Sharm,
Nice to meet a fellow Aussie here on the blog party! From way up North to way down South! what a lovely little cabin to do your crafting in.. I would never move away if I had something like that!

SUGAR MOON said...

Love your little cabin. I'm following and will return for future visits.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Lucky you to have that little cabin to create in (and even luckier to have a husband who would create it for you!). I've enjoyed meeting you and Scruffy!

Vickie Lynn said...

Good Afternoon, Sharmayne! How I wish I had the room for a fullblown craft room! As it is, I have a corner of two different rooms, which works for now.

Thank you for showing me around your little corner of the world. I plan on coming back to spend more time here in the near future.

Vickie @ Teacups & Toadstools

Carol said...

So very nice to see all of your work! I envy you of your dedicated work space. I'll be back on a regular bases.

Clare said...

Hi stopping by as part of the blog hop, your little craft cabin looks lovely and scuffy very cute I have a crafting assistant too call Merlin, who's always getting in the midst of the craft supplies.

Linda aka Crafty Gardener said...

Hello Sharm, I'm visiting from the Grow your blog event ... so many wonderful sites to see and new friends to meet. Lucky you having your own little cabin to craft in.

Cherie said...

Glad to have found another nice blog to follow through the GYB party. I see that you are also on Ravelry. I am usually around there in the Trash to Treasure section

Shelly said...

Wow, What a DH! I found you here at the party, and joining/following. It's been nice getting to know you.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Yes, another blogger with a lot of interests! Scruffy is adorable, and I love your craft cabin.

Cheeky Rose Boutique said...

Blessings Sharm! Lovely to meet you. I'm a retired nurse and a grandmother living in Florida. I am a dollmaker and would love for you to visit! Jan

Renee said...

Such a lovely blog!

Ellsie320 said...

"morning! Waiting for more snow here in Pennsylvania. Looking forward to learning more about life down under.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sharmayne, just dropping in via GYB-party. What a lovely blog! You are really multi-talented! I love your small crafting-garage - would love to have some similar... I have just one corner for my sewing table in our bedroom (I have to wait for my daughter's room :-) ... so when she move out some day)
I see you do very different kinds of crafting as I... knitting, crocheting (I'm on ravelry too - there I am "knetty"), soapmaking. I'll start to follow your blog via mail.
Kind regards from Germany
Annett (

afistfuloflemons said...

What a great space for your crafting!

Unknown said...

Your blog is very impressive, Nice to read. Useful information for all. Thanks for sharing.
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