Happy Hoppy Easter to you all ........... I hope you've had a lovely few days whatever you've been up to! We had originally thought we would go camping, but alas there were things needing be done around the home front - I sure hope I can get away camping before too long but I don't like my chances.
Meantime I worked on some of my Spinning over the weekend while I learn how to keep the momentum going - the yarn is still thick and thin in lots of places but I'm really enjoying the process and find it rather relaxing!

My bobbin is almost full now and I've had a go at adding in some of the colourful stuff I have on hand - This is the bobbin part way into me getting it going. I'm going to need more bobbins by looks of things as the ones I have here obviously went with one of the wheels that Pete off loaded before we left Maryborough. One of the ladies from the Wangaratta Spinners mentioned she had some spares that she would be willing to sell cheaper than getting new ones.

I've been trying to get out walking more with the start of April and with my 60th Birthday getting closer - I'd like to be a little fitter again, not to mention get my weight under control once again and be able to fit into clothes I have in my wardrobe!!
I went for a walk across the Bridge at Yarrawonga the other day whilst I was in there which was lovely - such a beautiful day and looking across Lake Mulwala it looked just perfect!
The hardest part about walking is Just getting out the door and doing it!! It really needs to be part of my daily routine but I'm struggling with what routine actually looks like with Hubby at home as I find things can change very quickly lol.
Keeping motivated seems to be the key ........ I've had a thing popping up in my Facebook feed for a while now ........ The Conquerors Challenge ......
but the other day it had one based on The Lord of the Rings ........... I'm afraid I have been a Tolkein Fan sine I was about 14 and it hasn't changed in all these years! I still enjoy reading the books as well as watching the movies (which as usual miss out much of the story).
So............ I bit the bullet yesterday and decided to take on "The Shire" Challenge for a bit of fun and motivation. It has an app that you follow along with to see where you are on the map, and with each bit of exercise you get a bit more of the storyThe best bit is that all types of exercise count so not just walking or bike riding ..... Anyhow I think its a bit of fun Adding to the fun and with it just starting to rain yesterday I took this photo thinking it would make a good avatar for this challenge ..... what do you think?
Seems yesterday it was so overcast that the internet didn't want to work properly so I never got to finish this post ...............
And today we've woken to rain - thankfully the new shed roof that Pete put on at the start of the Easter weekend is weather tight!!!
Hooray - Such a relief, as the first roof he did got a buckle in the iron and we had water pouring through over everything, so had to bite the bullet so to speak and he took it off on Good Friday and put a different type of iron on this time which seems to have worked ..... and just in time!
My garden will enjoy the rain ...... the front garden has come on well in the past six months and I've just put in a new garden out by the pool which is still a work in progress but hopefully finished in time for my birthday celebrations in May.