Home Sweet Home ...... back in our old queeenslander in Maryborough again after spending last year in the house we bought in Hervey Bay. It was a nice house, we did (or at least Pete did) alot of work that hadn't been planned, and yet it just didn't seem to work for us....... its now on the Market and hopefully it sells soon as it will be good to be back to one morgage (no morgage would be even better!)
Of course while the house was rented out, the tenants managed to have the dog wreck the vinyl flooring in the dining room, so Pete has redone the dining and kitchen floors (since they basically ran into each other with the same vinyl) in floating timber boards which look great! First was the pulling up of the vinyl which had been ripped and torn up by the tenants dog (which was no pets hmmmm) - all the old vinyl tiles underneath were stuck down - what a mess to have to rip up!!
But the results are quite nice and thankfully hubbie was able to have a go at laying them down to save us some money and I'm really happy with the results!
Then it was time for the big Mango tree to come down. We had contemplated trimming it but it had been trimmed numerous times before and grown very quickly so biting the bullet, and down it came - we are in the process of gettting it all slabbed up.
Before - Quite large and needed profession trimming every year They used ropes initially to get many of the branches down but then in came the cherry picker for the final taller bits! You can see just how big it was - sad in some ways to see it go, but gosh what a blessing not having the flying bats getting into it and all the resulting mess! Plus the people from the flats next door will no longer be at us about keeping it trimmed and cleaning up leaves!! Couldn't resist Pete taking a photo of me next to the trunk to show just how big and wide it was!! And then finally what it looks like all gone - it sure opened up the yard by a whole third!!
Next was having to grind out the stump - Pete was allowed to play with the machine and had a great time with it lol ............ after which he got to play with the little mini excavator to get the sections of large limbs and trunk out the way (they have been sent off to get cut into slabs), level out the area for the 2 carports and move the excess dirt beside where they will sit so I can use it for a garden area.
In its place Pete was able to put up 2 carports to house the boats - its amazing how much room that one tree took up in the yard ..... and I've been able to put in a garden off the side of one of the carports. Of course the tenants had killed the gardens pretty much with only the lucky surviving and lots of weeds and dead lawn to boot! The past couple of months we have been working on getting the gardens going again putting in many of the plants I've had in pots and seeing a few things suddenly spring up once the water hit the ground! I'll share some photos next time of how its progressing! |
They are set back from one another to allow access through to the yard and under the house |

Unpacking of boxes has been on the agenda as you might imagine and things are gradually finding their homes again .... and my joy and peace are finally beginning to emerge again as well. Pete has finished his cancer treatment (radiotherapy and hormone treatment - the latter still working its way through his body wreaking its own havoc on the male system. He has a repeat and final scan at the end of the month so hopefully it will be clear and he can get back to feeling "normal" again over the nest few months.And I've finally picked up the crochet hook again ..... finishing the long awaited engagement bedspread for Stacey and John who will be getting married in September this year (after having had to put off the date due to COVID 19 restrictions).
And today I've been working on some new dishcloths which I'm badly in need of around here! Now hopefully I can get the photos to download since this has been a bone of contention for me for the past year! Well a week later and I finally have photos on board!!! Till next time ......