We also had our 34th Wedding Anniversary on the 23rd Feb but Pete was just back from an overnight Fishing Trip with a couple of his mates and was feeling more inclined to spend the day and evening at home, which kind of worked for me as well. Next year we will do something special.
Before Blocking |
So for February OPAM I managed to get a crocheted shawl made for the neighbors birthday and 4 face washers. What I do want to share with you is the difference that blocking can make to your finished knitted item. This is the shawl all completed with ends sewn in but unblocked. Notice it's a little uneven, the lace sections seem rather "smooshed" together and the full size appears to be covering the 3 blocking mats ........... now look at the difference it makes blocking it ...... here it is on 4 blocking mats all pinned out drying. To block an item you need to give it a wash or at least rinse it, then roll in a towel to get the
After Blocking |
I'm afraid I'm running late with OPAM, but I really need to get myself a new laptop! This one is many years old and it take forever to load everything ....... making a post on here is tedious and very time consuming which kind of puts me off - it can take half and hour just to get it switched on and loaded!!! I've tried several apps on my IPAD to make posts but they just don't seem to work easily at all (perhaps because it's dated as well - although only about 7 or 8 years old as opposed to my laptop which is more like 11years of age!
Right now I'm working on a test knit for Fogbound Knits (Laura Aylor) - a little top which will be lovely for the Autumn and Spring weather ........ and possibly quite usable during our Winter up here in the sub tropics where we don't get the constant low temps lasting all day . I've also been busy in the garden but haven't taken photos to be able to show you just yet - each time I went to take photos yesterday it rained lol This morning I'm hoping to just get this post finished before I have to go to work so it doesn't end up another day before posting. I'm loving this yarn I'm using, but I'm having to add bits of grey to it as I know I'm not going to have enough to do the whole thing. There is a lace section yet to come which I'll work up in the grey. The pattern is called Tillandsia. If you click on the link it will take you to my ravelry project page where you will find more info. I do love that with the top down patterns you can try them on to see how it's fitting to make any adjustments rather than having to wait till the whole thing is completed!