Thanks for popping in to visit with me. Grab a cuppa while you look around .... Knitting, Sewing, Gardening, Crochet - Corowa, NSW, Australia
My blog was est 5Feb, 2010. I hope you enjoy your visit.
We decided to go for a bit of a drive on Saturday and headed up to Bundaberg about an hour from here. All around this area and north its a Sugar Cane District - these smaller guage train tracks are seen all over the place as the smaller cane trains are used for bringing in the cane harvest to the mills. No matter if its a crop of Canola, Wheat,(like we had around us down south) or Sugar Cane ....... There is just something about seeing acres of cropping that brings a joy to my heart (something I don't seem to get seeing acres of housing sprawled out). .
But going through Bundaberg and heading out to the coast was the plan on Saturday. We wanted to see what the coastal area of it was like ........ This is where the Bennet River flows out to the ocean ........
And further along the surf crashes onto a Rocky Shoreline. There a couple of smaller areas of beach where we saw people swimming, but for the most part it was very rocky..... Until we headed up to where the Mono Turtles come in to lay there eggs in the sand dunes along here ......... Of course we were there in the mid morning and it was very hot so naturally the turtles were nowhere to be seen - although the signs tell us they head up at night during breeding season. I managed to entice Pete to walk the 500mtrs along the Board Walk .........
And I felt like it was worth it when we finally saw such a lovely little beach!They certainly know
where the sandy beach is! Its a protected area and the sand dunes are not to be walked on. It must be an amazing sight to see of an evening! How lovely is this beach!
Meantime, I found my chair pads had just about worn through, so it was time to pull some material
out of my stash and run up a couple of new covers ...... I really love this fabric. It's a heavier cotton that I had originally purchased to make myself a skirt with ....... but that hasn't happened and I needed new chair pads since the old ones were literally falling apart! I only have a limited bit of this material and hope to use a bit more of it on the veranda, so decided to use this other material for the other side. I'm rather pleased with how they turned out!
And Pete has done a wonderful job replacing broken timbers and sanding back rust to get this poor
old seat looking oh so wonderful again! I plan to make a couple of cushions for it and also for the wrought iron swing chair up the other end of the veranda .......... hopefully next weekend! But look what arrived while I was at work yesterday!!!!! Part of it will be used in a crocheted blanket I'm making for our bed for Winter (once its cool enough to start working with wool again lol). Hope you all have a wonderful day ...... I'm off to work shortly so I'll have to catch up with everyone a bit later Hugs Sharm
It seems like January 2019 has come to a close already! The days fly by and before you know it a
week has passed ........ things you thought you might have gotten done, remain undone ....... like some penfriend letters I've been going to sit and write the past few weeks since getting back from Christmas in Townsville! On the other side of things, the excitement of a new year usually sets things off in other directions and crafting projects get underway once again. OPAM has commenced and I managed a total of 7 items this month (5 dishcloths and 2 kitchen towels)..... its a start!
This weekend we headed down to Brisbane to celebrate my Dad turning 90!!! He actually has an older Brother who is 92 (who couldn't make it) and 2 of his sisters still living! We had a great time catching up with cousins and my Sister Kathy and her hubbie Jim managed to fly over from New Zealand for the weekend. As you might be able to tell, I think the highlight for Dad was the cake and being centre of attention for quite a big photo shoot as we had lots of different members having their photo taken with him! Afterwards Kathy and I were able to catch up a bit more and went for a lovely walk along the Wynnum foreshore chatting away ...... then after farewelling them, Pete and I went for a bit of a walk around the town ....... it was rather nostalgic seeing my old Primary School lit up. Part of the grounds have been sold off and the school no longer is open .... I was there for Grades 1-4 and part of 5 and it holds some wonderful memories. Many of you will be aware of the flooding in Townsville at present, so much of my weekend has been spent on the phone with our son and friends who live up there. Our Son and his family have been lucky so far that the house they just purchased prior to Christmas has not gone under water - they are cut off, but safe. Other friends have had to evacuate while others are still watching and waiting. Prayers are going out to all those currently affected by the flooding in North Queensland. Take Care, Hugs Sharm