Sunday, September 11, 2016

Let's Catch Up ..............

Finally I'm able to sit down to catch you all up on the last few weeks ......... You may want to grab a cuppa as I share .............
First there was the trip up to Brisbane to attend the wedding of my cousin Sharlene.  She was married at a Winery in Mt Cotton, just on the south of Brisbane. It was a lovely wedding and we were able to catch up with some of my family on Dad's side.  He decided he would not bother to go up for the wedding and this enabled Pete and I to have a much needed bread away. 
My Cousin Natalie and I (she was bridemaid)


Dad has not settled into life in Victoria (the winter is made worse since it has been wetter than usual, and Dad resents having to turn on a heater).  Dad has now made the decision to put his unit on the market and move back to Brisbane..........     It has been nice getting to take him to various places which he seems to have enjoyed ..... particularly if  tea and cake were on the menu lol

Taking a couple of extra days to enjoy some much needed time away, we arrived in Brisbane and hired a car, driving up to Gympie where we were going to stay with some friends of ours for a couple of nights before heading back to Brisbane on Saturday for the wedding. 

They have 5 Border Collie dogs and a couple of cats to help keep them in line lol.  Let me  It was lovely getting to spend some time with Chrissie and Denis again. 

On Friday they decided it would be nice to head to Maryborough and Harvey Bay for the day.   It was great getting to see the ocean again and we enjoyed a lovely lunch at Harvey Bay and spent some time in a few opp shops and antique stores in Maryborough. 

Surprisingly, it is only 1.5hrs from Gympie (3hrs from Brisbane). 

Pete and I were both quite smitten with all the lovely old Queenslander style homes around
Maryborough and I'm sure if we had more time we would have been doing lots of exploring - such beautiful old buildings around the town.

 On Sunday morning after the wedding, it was nice to wake up in the centre of Brisbane CBD and headed to an upstairs café for a lovely
breakfast sitting on a veranda in the sunshine.  Surprisingly, the weather was cooler than we had anticipated and ended up in our jeans and jumpers for most of the trip.  Afterwards we spent most of the day catching up with one of my cousins  (Natalie) and her family, before heading over to Uncle Richies place so he could show Pete the car he is currently doing up.......


We flew out Monday morning from Brisbane, but it was Monday dinner time before we actually made it back home after getting into Melbourne and then driving the 3 and a bit hours back up here.  Scruffy and Cliff stayed with PJ and Sonia and had a fabulous time!!!

An unusual Geranium
Unfortunately a few days after getting back home Pete and I both came down with the flu!  I ended up so bad by the end of the first weekend home that I had to go to the doctors on Monday morning and he gave me the week off work - also sending me for chest xrays to check I didn't also have pneumonia, I was in such a bad way!  In fact, here it is the weekend and I'm still feeling quite exhausted.  Not sure how I'm going to manage back at work tomorrow, but at least it's only for 3 days this week.  I am still congested and have a cough - but nothing like what it was this time last week, and I still have another days worth of antibiotics left.  Thankfully Pete didn't get it quite as bad, although bad enough that he also had to go to the doctor and get put on antibiotics!

Pete and Chrissy as I try for photos
During the week Dad has been in touch with the real estates and his unit is now up for sale - lets pray for a quick sale as there is a unit available in the retirement village in the Wynnum area and he would like to get up there as soon as possible.  Sometimes it seems, no matter how much you try, your best is never good enough, but at least I can say we gave it all we could!

Having been so sick,  (perhaps stress has given it more vengeance ), its been unfortunate to have had a week off work and not be able to do any craft work!  In fact it wasn't till yesterday that I picked up a crochet hook to make the big effort of trying to get a simple dishcloth done!   I sure hope my energy picks up again quickly, as with Spring in the air the place is needing a good spring clean both inside and out in the garden!

Now before I forget, a thankyou to Maria from Life on the Block who sent me a hexie for my tablecloth.  I will get a photo during the week and have it ready to share in my next post.