Saturday, June 21, 2014

Wooly Wamth

Any idea what happens to our time these days??  It sure seems to fly past so quickly!!  Blink and a whole week passes some days.  Of course it may have something to do with me keeping myself warm with woolly pleasures.....  I notice last time I posted it was all about sewing. I'm afraid I'm one of those people who just have to have several (or more) projects on the go.... at the same time. 

So with the stripey crocheted afghan complete, I managed to get some dishcloths made up for some penpal swaps, and then moved onto working on a pair of knitted slippers
which was a KAL on a beginner's knitting group on ravelry.  I figured it would be a good place to start since I've had around 23yrs break from knitting before beginning work on the  hitchhiker scarf.  I'm pretty close to getting it finished, so you will just have to wait to see that one lol
Last Saturday I headed over to another little township about 40mins or so drive from here for a meetup of a group of local (well, we are all from NE Vic region) ladies who all enjoy Ravelry and working with yarns.   It was great getting to meet in person, and we had a fabulous few hours, which included a very yummy lunch!  The Joy Bus Café in Barnawatha is a great venue for groups to be able to meet and carry out a lovely few hours of knitting and crochet!

Yes, that's me there with the ponytail.... working on my hitchhiker

And now I'm busy with a jumper on the needles for DH

And then I decided I really needed to find a pattern for a pair of crocheted baby booties......... of course I didn't have any baby wool in that stash I have........ but I did find this colourful ball of woolly wonder at a local shop.........

It's just on dusk here, and I've run out to lock up the chooks for the night...... the fog is rolling in and the temperature has dropped.  I was glad to get back inside to the warmth of the fire!  But now its time for me to start on dinner........ hope you all have a relaxing evening.